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Studying Online


Own My Life Discovery is strongly values driven, hover over the values to find out more about how we operate.




Those we work with need our support in moving forward with their lives, our commitment is to ensuring that those we work with are empowered to make the best choices for them.



Often people with abusive partners are pathologised and treated as if they are “psychologically abnormal”.  However, the reactions of those subjected to abuse is often normal, given what they are dealing with. The issue is the abuser and the abuser's behaviour. 


Trauma Literacy 


Building literacy about trauma will enable people to more quickly regain ownership of their lives. This will help them to make sense of the ways they have responded to an abuser, and make sense of the wider pressures and challenges within their life.

Trauma literacy



Those subjected to abuse can be enabled to take back ownership of their lives from the abuser.  Self-efficacy is defined as having confidence in your ability to exert control over your own motivation, behaviour, and social environment.  Building self-efficacy is integral to recovery after a relationship with an abuser.  (Bandura, 1994)

Self efficacy



Abusive men kill women and children.  They rape, injure, disfigure and violate women and children.  Any intervention may increase an abuser’s risk.  This requires practitioners and organisations to make every effort to maintain and increase women and children's safety.


Space for Action


In order to leave an abuser and move forward with their lives women need space for action, where the abuser’s tactics become less effective and they have a supportive space to take positive action in their lives. (Kelly, 2003)

Space for action
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